Rio Carnival

🎫 Access Group February 28th and March 1st
🎫 Special Group March 2, 3 and 4
🎫 Champions Parade March 8th

Rio Carnival

Access Group February 28th and March 1st
Special Group March 2, 3 and 4
Champions Parade March 8th


Tours and Tickets

Tickets Categories for Rio de Janeiro Carnival

Compre seu ingresso aqui e conte com a assistência de um Guia especializado para ir ao sambódromo de Metrô desde ponto de encontro, bilhete de Metro e almofada para sentar.

Grandstand Sector 9 - Numbered Seat


Camarote Mar – Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 3% BRL discount!


Camarote Mar – Utilize o cupom “RCT2025” e ganhe 200,00 de desconto! (LINK)


Camarote Folia Tropical – Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 3% discount!


Camarote Número 1 - Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 10% discount!


Camarote Arpoador - Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 15% discount!


Camarote Verde e Rosa – Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 5% discount!


Camarote Portela – Buy using coupon “RCT2025” and get 5% discount!


Samba Schools Rehearsal | Rio de Janeiro Carnival


Feel the Carnival experience

Rio de Janeiro Carnival Parade.

What is the difference between Access Group, Special Group and Champions Parade?

Every year, the Samba Schools compete for the title of Champion of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. More than 90,000 people perform during the Carnival. Each School has between 4,000 and 5,000 participants. The Parade lasts 6 days and is divided into three categories:

Access Group, Special Group and Champions Parade.

Rio de Janeiro Carnival - Access Group

Tickets for these two days are significantly cheaper. Although the schools work with a smaller budget, the excitement and beauty are the same.
The best Samba Schools of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival will have the great privilege of participating in the Special Group next year.

Rio de Janeiro Carnival - Special Group

These are considered the big days of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival Parade.
The 12 best Samba Schools in Rio de Janeiro present all their creativity and innovations.
These are the true magical nights of the Sambadrome. Three nights of pure magic and fun.

Rio de Janeiro Carnival - Champions Parade

This Parade takes place on the first Saturday after Carnival.
Tonight, the 6 best Schools of the Special Group plus the Champion of the Access Group repeat their performances.
This is an extraordinary night, and they are not the most expensive tickets, great value for money.

How do I receive my tickets?

There are two categories of Tickets: Physical and Digital.

Arquibancadas - Ingressos Digitais

Grandstands and allocated chairs are in Digital format, through the official Carnival app.

Frisas e Arquibancadas 12 e 13
- Ingressos Físicos

Frisas são ingressos físicos e devem ser retirados em nosso Centro de credenciamento.

Camarotes (Hospitality boxes)

Tickets for VIP boxes must be collected at the accreditation center for each box.

Transfer to the Sambadrome

Costumes for Rio de Janeiro Carnival

Do you want to be the star of the biggest party in the world?
Experience the fantastic experience of being part of a Samba School at the Rio de Janeiro Sambadrome. Taking part in the Samba School parade will be one of the most fun and joyful experiences of your life!!!!!

Need help purchasing your ticket?

Contact our consultants!

2025 Parade Schedules

Access group

SchedulesFriday 28th FebruarySaturday 1st March
21:00Botafogo Samba ClubeTradição
21:45ArrancoUnião do Parque Acari
22:30Inocentes de Belford RoxoVigário Geral
23:15 Unidos da PonteUnidos de Bangu
00:00Estácio de SáPorto da Pedra
00:45 União de MaricáSão Celemente
01:30Em Cima da HoraAcadêmicos de Niterói
02:15 União da IlhaImpério Serrano
SchedulesFriday 28th February
21:00Botafogo Samba Clube
22:30Inocentes de Belford Roxo
23:15 Unidos da Ponte
00:00Estácio de Sá
00:45 União de Maricá
01:30Em Cima da Hora
02:15União da Ilha
SchedulesSaturday 1st March
21:00 Tradição
21:45 União do Parque Acari
22:30Vigário Geral
23:15 Unidos de Bangu
00:00Porto da Pedra
00:45 Saint Clement
01:30 Acadêmicos de Niterói
02:15 Império Serrano

Special Group

SchedulesSunday 2nd March
22:00Unidos de Padre Miguel
23:15Imperatriz Leopoldinense
00:30Unidos de Viradouro
01:45Estação Primeira da Mangueira
SchedulesSunday 2nd MarchMonday 3rd March
22:00Unidos de Padre Miguel Unidos da Tijuca
23:15Imperatriz LeopoldinenseBeija Flor de Nilopolis
00:30Unidos de ViradouroAcadêmicos de Salgueiro
01:45Estação Primeira da MangueiraUnidos de Vila Isabel
SchedulesMonday 3rd March
22:00Unidos da Tijuca
23:15Beija Flor de Nilopolis
00:30Academics of Salgueiro
01:45Unidos de Vila Isabel
SchedulesTuesday 4th MarchSaturday 8th March
22:00Mocidade de Padre MiguelTO BE CONFIRMED
23:15Paraíso de TuyutiTO BE CONFIRMED
00:30Acadêmicos de Grande RioTO BE CONFIRMED
SchedulesTuesday 4th March
22:00Mocidade de Padre Miguel
23:15Paraíso de Tuyuti
00:30Acadêmicos de Grande Rio
SchedulesSaturday 8th March

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